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Webinar: Resilience and Well-Being Through the Lens of the Pandemic

Broadleaf Staff, Partners, and Advisors Featured in University of North Carolina Webinar co-moderated by Broadleaf co-founder, Michael Matergia and Broadleaf advisor, Dr. Christina Cruz.

Broadleaf co-founder, Michael Matergia and Broadleaf advisor, Dr. Christina Cruz moderated a webinar with an esteemed panel of individuals;

From the University of North Carolina: This webinar series is part of the Modern Indian Studies Initiative at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In partnership with leaders from North Carolina’s Indian-American community, UNC has embarked on a bold initiative to transform the model for Indian Studies. We are forging ahead in establishing the country’s leading program in Modern Indian Studies – increasing knowledge and understanding of the India of today, and its rapidly evolving future.

You can watch the full webinar to learn more about how the pandemic has highlighted the need for improved access to mental health care and exciting innovations that are addressing this challenge in India and about how approaches to providing support to children in rural Darjeeling have had to shift with the pandemic and its sequalae.

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